十大最好的网赌平台创始人玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 |查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州-十大网赌平台推荐

十大最好的网赌平台 Founder: 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比

玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比, 十大最好的网赌平台 Founder | Charleston, South Carolina

The founding of 十大最好的网赌平台 is the story of a dream. 意志坚定,雄心勃勃, 玛丽·瓦德里恩·麦克比设想了一个学习的地方,可以培养出受过教育的独立女性, 道德责任, and prepared to meet the challenges of society with confidence. 在自己, 他们的社区, 整个世界, 阿什利霍尔的女孩知道自己是谁,全心全意地无畏地追求自己的梦想.

一项有价值的事业的遗产在于它所改变的生活和它所培养的善意, 112年来, 十大最好的网赌平台通过赋予女孩们用自己的声音做好事的权利,在历史上确立了自己的地位. 跨越上个世纪, 学院拥有丰富的优良传统和前瞻性创新, and 十大最好的网赌平台 endures and thrives because its values are timeless.

As every 十大最好的网赌平台 girl knows, one dream can change the world, and the ability to change the world is limitless when one dreams.

Miss McBee’s Memories of the Early Days of 十大最好的网赌平台



十大最好的网赌平台 Founder, 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 | Charleston, South Carolina玛丽·瓦德里恩·麦克比于1879年9月24日出生在北卡罗来纳州的林肯顿. She was the daughter of Silas and Mary Estelle McBee. 她的父亲是一位著名的圣公会门外汉、建筑师和《太阳报》的编辑 的牧师. 玛丽以她的母亲和祖父瓦德里·亚历山大·麦克比的名字命名. 她的曾祖父是Vardry McBee,他是格林维尔市的创始人之一. After the death of their mother, Mary along with her older sister Estelle and younger brother Silas Jr. were sent to live with their aunt in Philadelphia.  她父亲又结婚了, 她的姐姐和哥哥随后在北卡罗来纳州与玛丽团聚. 


十大最好的网赌平台 Founder, 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 | Charleston, South Carolina十大最好的网赌平台 lore has it that on a rainy, August afternoon in Northampton, 麻萨诸塞州, 经过一段艰苦的, 尽管成功的, three days of entrance exams for Smith College, 玛丽·瓦德里娜·麦克比宣布,她打算为南方女孩创办一所学校,让她们在大学准备方面享有与经过认证的北方学校同样的优势.

The Patrick Duncan House on Rutledge Avenue, owned by the C.O. Witte estate was for sale and Vardrine thought it very suitable, but its asking price was far higher than the $16,000 she could put together at the time. 维特给房子增添了许多不寻常的特征,包括有熊洞的洞穴和现在标志性的贝壳之家. 

McBee was pleasantly surprised when Charles Sloan, a neighbor of the Guerry’s and son-in-law to the late Mr. Witte, personally requested that she submit a bid for the house. The Witte family favored its becoming a girls’ school as Mr. 威特自己养大了六个女儿,他认为这处房产正是开展这种事业的合适场所. 最终,双方以2.5万美元的价格达成了协议,瓦德里娜拥有了自己的校舍. 经过一番考虑, 她选择将这所新学校命名为十大最好的网赌平台,因为这是一条向西流过的河流,而且她觉得这所房子足够大,可以被称为“大厅”.她当时29岁.

Vardrine immediately faced four primary challenges: developing a comprehensive curriculum; employing faculty and staff; fitting out the Witte property for classes and boarders; and recruiting students.

1943年,在弗朗西斯·马里恩酒店举行的基瓦尼斯午宴前的讲话, 麦克比告诉观众, “十大最好的网赌平台 began on the day I was admitted to Smith College. 我就读的那所学校——虽然是一所不错的学校——并没有获得认证的特权,课程设置也不是为了让大学入学变得容易. After I was accepted and registered at Smith, 我去给父亲发了一封电报,一路上我决定有一天我要回到南方,建立一所学校,给南方女孩和北方女孩同样的特权. 我带着这个想法上了大学,”她说,“一切都与之相关.”


玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比, 十大最好的网赌平台 Founder | Charleston, South CarolinaOutside of her roles as founder and head of 十大最好的网赌平台, 玛丽·瓦德里娜·麦克比是一位精力充沛的社区领袖和社会活动家. 她在创建和支持查尔斯顿地区许多有价值的组织方面发挥了重要作用. 有人曾这样评价她:“几乎没有一场文化或公民运动是她不参与的。.“她的许多成就足以成为任何人羡慕的简历:她是一位单身女性, barely past the turn of the century in an iconic southern city, placed her in the vanguard of women leadership across the nation.

  • Established the Charleston Symphony Orchestra in 1919
  • Served on the Board of Directors for the Girl Scouts of Charleston
  • 查尔斯顿县学校董事会的第一位女性委员
  • 帮助组织了查尔斯顿第一个针对贫困儿童的免费幼儿园项目
  • 卡罗莱纳艺术协会和查尔斯顿免费图书馆的创始人


十大最好的网赌平台 Founder, 玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 | Charleston, South Carolina1909年春季

玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比以25美元的价格买下了查尔斯·奥托·维特的地产,000 to become a girls’ college preparatory school.


十大最好的网赌平台 opened with 14 boarders and 30 day students.






The 十大最好的网赌平台 女校友 Association is organized.




The School is divided into Purple and White teams. Points were earned for school spirit, promptness and good behavior. 10年后,紫白两队首次选出队长.


A swimming pool is added to campus.


十大最好的网赌平台 performed its first 圣诞玩. 多年来, this cherished tradition has been performed at Memminger Auditorium, Rivera Theatre and the Gaillard.


Due to the polio outbreak, Mayor Henry W. 洛克伍德禁止在查尔斯顿举行所有公众集会,这导致毕业典礼被取消.


The Class of 1943 decides to forgo publishing the annual Cerberus, donating the money used to print the publication to the war efforts.


The 十大最好的网赌平台 Foundation is formed.


玛丽·瓦德林·麦克比 retires as headmistress after 40 years.


Middle School is organized, including grades 7 and 8.




校园内的各种建筑正式落成:帕杜大厅(低年级), 詹金斯大厅(高中), Davies Auditorium and Lane Hall (中间的程序).




Barbara Pierce Bush ’43, wife of then Vice President George H.W. 布什在毕业典礼上讲话.


十大最好的网赌平台 is a K-12 independent school for girls, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, committed to a talented and diverse student population. 十大网赌平台推荐考虑录取任何种族、肤色、宗教、民族或民族出身的学生.
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